Software Projects don’t always turn out as expected
Your software project is not going as you had hoped and you would like an independent project assessment. Maybe you are struggling to keep it on track, or maybe you’d just like an independent opinion. If there are problems, it’s important to catch them early, you’ll save a lot of wasted time and effort.
Employing our mature and proven project assessment methodology, our highly experienced project assurance experts will perform a deep dive into processes, requirements, team and tools to give you the evidence to make well-informed decisions about the direction and progress of your project(s).
Rapid Story Assessment
Get a quality assessment of your software project user stories. It will take no more than 24 hours. Our assessment will focus on using ScopeMaster to assess the quality of your software user stories.
How to get started?
Fill in the form on this page, prepare a spreadsheet with the user stories in your project.
How long does it take?
Within 24 hours (usually within 5 hours) you will receive a comprehensive detailed report of the analysis that ScopeMaster has performed on your user stories together with an overall expert opinion both written and by phone, on suggested next steps.
What happens to my user stories?
Your user stories will always remain confidential. They will be removed from our system at the end of the engagement together with any identifiable statistical data, within a week of completing the work and payment.
Cost: $500.
Short project assessment
Short assessments can take as little as five days, during which we will assess the health of your project requirements (or user stories) using ScopeMaster. We will also interview the project manager and two other key stakeholders to get an overall assessment of resources, schedule and risks. Our highly experienced software project consultants will use our proven methodology and deliver an independent report on your overall project health with high level observations and recommendations regarding resources, plans and risks and details of your requirements quality. We will benchmark this against similar organisations.
Cost: $5,000.
Full Assessment
This undertaking will take approximately four weeks, after which we will provide a detailed assessment of scope, quality, architecture, team, processes, tools, skills and risks. We will also provide specific feedback and recommendations for improving the likelihood of success with your project.
Cost: TBA
Our Full Project Assessment Methodology
Our software project assessment methodology has been refined over many years of use. It uses consistent reliable and proven techniques to help you identify and resolve problems within your projects. Our methodology has been proven to help you deliver faster, better and cheaper.