Better-informed software architects

Using ScopeMaster, you will get incredible insight into requirements

  1. Automated Use Case Models
  2. Highlights potential missing requirements
  3. See the complexity of requirements
  4. Filter by user to validate requirements with users

Using ScopeMaster, you will get early estimates based on the latest generation ISO standard functional size metric.

  1. Scope estimates
  2. Schedule estimates
  3. Effort/cost estimates
  4. Quality estimates in defect potential
  5. Rework risk estimates

Early automated QA of requirements brings greater certainty and reduces project risk.  Reduces the risk of discovering “unknowns” later.

With more complete requirements early, there will be less scope creep during development.  Change requests can be a significant burden on project teams, with ScopeMaster, these will be reduced.

stage gates help software project manger ensure high quality work