Story Analyser for Jira

Effortless Estimation & QA

Story Analyser for Jira Software saves time on estimation and user story QA
Jira Plugin analyse now button

The Benefits

StoryAnalyser will save your teams’ time and reduce waste:

  • Instant insight into a backlog for improved thinking and planning.
  • Save time, avoid working on ambiguous requirements
  • Save time, avoid discussions of story points

Expect to save at least 10% of a teams time by reducing these areas of waste.

The Intelligence

  • detects the functional intent – reducing ambiguities
  • estimates the story size – save time
  • generates use case model diagram – visualises your backlog
  • quality assures each user story – raises quality
  • performs CRUD analysis – exposes missing and duplicate stories
  • generates class diagram – accelerates design thinking

Experience the ultimate in shift-left

Story Analyser for Jira, automates functional sizing and user story quality assurance

User Story QA

Improve and learn
Story analyser for Jira tests the quality of each user story and gives you feedback so that you can learn and improve as you use it.

CRUD analysis

Automated, effortless
Automated CRUD analysis with the Story Analyser for Jira from ScopeMaster will help you to find inconsistencies, missing stories and duplicates

Use Case Model

Insightful, Autogenerated
Screenshot of Auto-generated Use Case Diagram model

Analyse an entire backlog

QA your user stories
Story Analyser - Analyse all

Class Suggestions

Early design thinking

Standardised Sizing

Without the meetings

The Story Analyser for Jira is an app designed specifically for Jira software teams.   It exposes most of the incredible power and value of the ScopeMaster engine, without needing to leave the Jira.   Have your stories analysed and tested effortlessly.  The Story Analyser App stimulates critical thinking about your user stories, so you enter each sprint with higher quality stories.

In just a few minutes you can be running hundreds of tests and getting instant feedback on the quality of your user stories.  Story Analyser for Jira will do much of the hard analysis work, checking, cross-referencing and even sizing your user stories before you have even started writing code.

Get analysing your backlog effortlessly now:

Learn how to install and use Story Analyser

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Ultimate in Shift Left Testing

Early testing of user stories by ScopeMaster reduces wasted effort on all software endeavours.  Because it performs hundreds of dynamic tests – and in some cases thousands of dynamic tests – on each user story, it drives quality early.  It checks for adherence to 9 quality attributes including consistency, clarity, duplications and even finds missing stories.

  • reduces rework
  • reduces risk
  • improves quality
  • reduces effort
  • improves test coverage

Expect to achieve at least 5% effort reduction on development AND 5% shorter schedules, and an ROI of 10x or better.

Fully Automated Analysis

ScopeMaster® reads each word of your user stories to detect functional meaning.

This enables it to perform reliable functional size estimation in ISO standard, COSMIC and IFPUG function points.   A world first!

Story Analyser reads interprets, tests, cross-references and sizes your user stories.

Ask your Jira Cloud administrator (or do it yourself if you have the rights) to:

    1. Install the app from the Jira marketplace (3 minutes)
    2. Enable it for your project (1 minute) :Select the project for which you wan to enable the ScopeMaster Story Validator

Total time to get up and running 4 minutes!

You then have a hard-working story analyser doing great QA work, help you to write better user stories – fixing potential bugs before the coding has even started.

A free trial is available for all customers of the Story Analyser®

Thereafter pricing can be found here:

Story Analyser extracts the text of the summary field of each Jira user story (issuetype is one of Story, Epic,  New Feature or  Improvement) it performs in-depth inspection and analysis on that text, and provides feedback within the context of each user story, inside Jira.

Story Analyser  also provides analysis of the set of user stories (or entire backlog of user stories) on the Analysis page, including

  • Use Case Model Diagramming
  • CRUD analysis
  • Class and Method analysis

Story Analyser creates two custom fields in each project where it has been enabled called Detected CFP and Detected Quality these can be used throughout your Jira reporting suite.

Detected CFP is the number of COSMIC function points (ISO standards for software sizing) detected within the summary field of the user story.

Detected Quality is a quality grade assigned to each user story based on the detailed quality analysis performed on the summary.

You can use Detected CFP as the basis for project estimation (cost and duration and team size).  You can also use it as a true metric for determining actual development velocity.

The Story Analyser for Jira app gives you most of the ScopeMaster features without having to leave the Jira.  A subscription to the Story Analyser App does not include access to ScopeMaster directly.

We take data security very seriously:

Where is your data

Your data (the summary field from analysed user stories) is analysed and held on our servers.  It is not combined with user data.  Your information is not visible to other organisations.  All the analysis and results remain on the StoryAnalyser servers.  Only the Detected CFP and Detected Quality are “pushed” back into Jira.

Security as a continuous concern

We don’t look at security as a destination — instead, it’s an ongoing journey.  We continually strive to improve our software development and internal operational processes with the aim of increasing the security of our software and services.


ScopeMaster (including the JIRA app) Cloud security architecture is designed with consideration of a broad range of industry standards and frameworks and in tandem with our internal threat modeling process. It’s designed to balance the need for flexibility with the need for effective controls to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our customers’ data.


We have strict controls with a focus on the sanctity of the “production” environment

Traditional network security theory separates the world into “inside“ and “outside” and focuses on the control points between the two areas. We maintain strict control between our internal networks and the internet, focussing on the delineation between our “production” and “non-production” environments.


STRIDE is an acronym for a common set of security concerns: Spoofing, Tampering, Reputation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service, and Elevation of Privilege.  This is the fundamental basis for designing security into our application.

Access to Customer Data

Within our SaaS platform, we treat all customer data as equally sensitive and have implemented stringent controls governing this data.

Support Access

Our support teams will only access customer data when necessary to resolve an open ticket.


We appreciate our customers’ concerns about privacy – and we understand that these concerns are probably the same concerns we ourselves have when using SaaS-based applications.


As of  3rd April 2019 the Story Analyser for Jira is fully GDPR compliant.  i.e. no personally identifiable data is stored.

Comparison Between Story Analyser and ScopeMaster Saas

Feature Story Analyser for Jira Cloud ScopeMaster SaaS
User story Quality Assurance 80% of tests included All tests
Automated sizing in ISO standard COSMIC function points Included Included
Classes and Methods Diagram Included Included
CRUD analysis of a backlog Included Included
Custom taxonomy Included
NFR detection Included
Automated sizing in IFPUG function points and Simple Function Points Included
Use Case Diagram Included
Language support English only English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian

Alternative Options for Jira Users

If you are a Jira cloud user, you can use ScopeMaster Story Analyser App from the Jira Marketplace.

For more advanced use (such as: project assurance, IV&V, benchmarking, IFPUG analysis)  you can use the ScopeMaster Saas.