"Describe","As a site member, I want to describe myself on my own page in a semi-structured way so that others can learn about me. That is, I can fill in predefined fields, but also have room for a free-text field or two.","BS-01"," (It would be nice to let this free text be HTML or similar.)" "Application","As a site member, I can fill out an application to become a Certified Coffee Drinker so that I can earn that designation.","BS-02","[Note: Certified Coffee Drinker may become Certified Coffee Professional.]" "Showcase","As a Drinker, I want my profile page to include additional details about me so that I can showcase my experience.","BS-03","(i.e., some of the answers to my Drinker application)" "Master","As a site member, I can fill out an application to become a Certified Coffee Trainer so that I can teach CCM and CCD courses and certify others.","BS-04","" "Trainer","As a Trainer, I want my profile page to include additional details about me so that others can learn about me and decide if I’m the right trainer for them.","BS-05","(i.e., some of the answers to my Trainer application)" "Article","As a Crinter or Trainer, when I write an article for the site I want a small graphic shown with the article showing my CCD or CCT status so that others know my certifications when reading.","BS-06","(For example, Amazon’s “Top 500 Reviewers” approach.)" "Classes","As a trainer, I want my profile to list my upcoming classes and include a link to a detailed page about each so that prospective attendees can find my courses.","BS-07","" "View","As a site member, I can view the profiles of other members so that I can find others I might want to connect with.","BS-08","" "Search","As a site member, I can search for profiles based on a few fields so I can find others I might want to connect with.","BS-09","(class attended, location, name)" "Private","As a site member, I can mark my profile as private in which case only my name will appear so that no one can learn things about me I don’t want shared.","BS-10","" "Email Private","As a site member, I can mark my email address as private even if the rest of my profile is not so that no one can contact me.","BS-11","" "Email Send","As a site member, I can send an email to any member via a form so that we can connect.","BS-12","" "Approve","As a site administrator, I can read drinker and training applications and approve or reject them so that only applicants who qualify can become CCDs or CCTs.","BS-13","" "Edit","As a site administrator, I can edit any site member profile so that I can correct problems for members.","BS-14",""