All software must be thoroughly tested to ensure it performs according to expectations.    ScopeMaster generates both positive and negative test scenarios—dynamically.  These can be used either as the foundation of a test pack OR as a checklist to ensure that all testing has been included.
Screenshot of auto generated test scenarios (list)
Automated test scenarios -as a list
Automated test generation -flow
Automated test scenarios -as a flow
Automated test generation -regression code
Automated test scenarios -as code

ScopeMaster instantly creates foundational test scenarios for you, which ordinarily would take a great deal of time—time that could be better spent elsewhere.

Save time, save resources and save effort.

Having the test scenarios written for you guarantees that you’ve got the basics covered. These foundational functional tests are essential for making sure that whatever you create does what it should and avoids what it shouldn’t.

100% Traceable.

Test scenarios generated by ScopeMaster are derived from the functional intent(s) of each requirement, which means they’re 100% traceable to actual functional intent.

But wait, there’s more! ScopeMaster also generates a flow of both positive and negative scenarios so that you can visualise the testing sequences: the “happy path” and “failure paths”. Do the right tests, the right way, the first time.

Requirements changed? No problem!

When requirements change, test scenarios and flows are dynamically regenerated by ScopeMaster for effortless agility. ScopeMaster adapts to work with you rather than against you.