Screenshot of auto generated test scenarios as a list
Automated test scenarios -as a list
Automated test generation -flow
Automated test scenarios -as a flow
Automated test generation -regression code
Automated test scenarios -as code

ScopeMaster® creates the foundational test scenarios for you, instantly.

Normally it would take time to generate each test scenarios.

It’s a huge time saver.

Having the test scenarios written for you ensures that you have the basic user tests already created. These are foundational functional tests essential for ensuring that the software you create does what it should, and doesn’t do what it shouldn’t.

100% Traceable

The test scenarios generated by ScopeMaster are derived from the functional intent(s) of each requirement, and so the test scenarios that it creates are 100% traceable to actual functional intent.

And there’s more! ScopeMaster also generates a flow of the positive and negative scenarios so that you can visualise the testing sequences – the “happy path” and “failure paths”. This helps to ensure that the you do the right tests and in the right way.

Requirements changed? No problem!

When the requirement changes these test scenarios and flows are dynamically regenerated by ScopeMaster® – for effortless agility.