26th April 2023, ScopeMaster Ltd, UK announces a significant update to the Story Analyser App for Jira

The Story Analyser App provides advanced analysis and insight of individual user stories and entire backlogs without having to leave Jira.  The Story Analyser is built on the same, highly-rated, software requirements analysis engine that is used by the ScopeMaster Saas for large software projects.  From inside Jira, software teams can benefit from the analysis automation that will save time on estimation, improve user story quality and give greater insight into both individual and sets of user stories.

ScopeMaster will provide a functional interpretation of each individual story and sets of users stories from within Jira.

Save time on Estimation. ScopeMaster estimates size for you in COSMIC function points

Improve user story quality. Detailed feedback and suggestions on how to improve your stories.

Insight into sets of usr stories. Insight, interpretation and analysis – based on an advanced NLP model.

Automated CRUD analysis. ScopeMaster maps the functional interpretation of an entire backlog.

Automated Class Diagram. ScopeMaster auto-compiles a suggested set of classes and methods, accelerates design.

Automated CRUD analysis of your backlog - screenshot
Automated Classes and Methods detection - screenshot

Try the app for free by installing it into your Jira Cloud instance, select the project you want to analyse, and then let ScopeMaster analyse each user story.
